The Rotaract Club of Likas Bay received their 2007/2008 RI Presidential Citation.
The Rotaract Club of Likas Bay has also won the District Outstanding Club Communications Award 2007/08.
Immediate Past District Rotaract Representative Lina Chin delivered her outgoing speech.
The 2007/08 Rotaract District 3310 team.
Installation of the 2008/09 District Rotaract Representative, PP Wee Yik Chuang.

President Esther Chong at the Break Out Session for Group 1: President and Vice President workshop.

A total of 7 members attended this RDA, namely, (front row from left) IPDRR Lina Chin, President Esther Chong, IPP Veronica Chin, Rtr. WahKon Leong, Rtr. Yap Vun Fui, (back row from left) Rtr. Wesley Chua and PP Jason Ho. Also present was President Randy from Rotaract Club of Kota Kinabalu.