President Esther, IPP Veronica, VP Dennis Kok, PP Yvonne & PP Jason attended Rotary Club of Likas Bay's weekly meeting whereby Rtn Samuel Yeh was given the opportunity to present the reason of joining Rotary and what he has learnt from Rotary. Rtn Samuel Yeh was inducted as a Rotaractor of Likas Bay in October 2007. In May 2008, Rtn Samuel was inducted as a Rotarian of Likas Bay.
President Esther gave a short presentation of what we have learnt during our Rotaract District Assembly (RDA) in NTU (Nanyang Technology University, Singapore) dated 12-13 July 2008. 7 Board of Directors attended the RDA and we were exposed to learn more in depth in each avenue. The presentation was short but precise whereby rotarians were being informed the purpose of RDA and a quick view of the overall RDA program through power point presentation with photo shots.