We then move to one of the most popular activities and, to our knowledge, the longest FLYING FOX in Sabah. We collect and put on our climbing harness and helmet and proceed to the base of the 40 foot tower and climbs to the launch platform. On the launch platform the operator is waiting to attach not one but two flying rigs to two cables before releasing the safety line. Now comes the “Act of Faith”. We must launch ourself into space. Terrifying! Speed increases as we descends, some even scream at their highest note. Mercifully, the breaking system kicks in and the we swings to halt. Then it’s back for another go!
We then proceed to “HIGH ROPES Challenge Course” which is ideal for team building programs. Again, we are equipped with harness and helmet and secured to a belay line by the instructor before we leave the ground. The safety line is attached behind us giving the illusion of being completely un-tethered. Balancing on a tiny rope twenty feet in the air with no visible safety line is most unnerving. It takes a strong nerve and much encouragement from friends below to take on the challenge.
The guys then moved to next activity, WALL CLIMBING. The Climbing Tower reaches 30 feet above the park and has three climbing faces of varying difficulty. Each climber is equipped with a climbing helmet and safety harness.
BUNGEE TRAMPOLINES looks like a child's play. Bungee cords attach to the waist of the trampoliners to allow enormous jumps and multiple somersaults. But it's really tough to make even one somersault, a great fun though.
The last activity - KAYAKS. The five kilometer beach is perfect for kayaking; shallow water extends to the reef some 500 meters off shore. We kayaks in a pair. Kayakers are issued with an approved life vest which must be worn at all times and a qualified staff is always in attendance when kayakers are on the water.
We had a good fun and promised to come back and conquer the other challenges!