On 1 September 2007, the Rotaract Club of Likas Bay installed it's new President, Veronica Chin at the Mediterranean Bar & Restaurant, Tanjung Aru. The 2007/2008 office bearers are, Mervyn Voo as Vice President & Community Service Director, Adrina Chong as Secretary, Dennis Kok as Treasurer, Jason Ho the Immediate Past President as the Finance Director and Sergeant-at-arm, Esther Chong as Club Service Director, Nicholas Lo as Professional Development Director and Michael Teong as International Service Director.
During the Installation, IPP Jason Ho presented the 2006/2007 activities photo. A special recognition made to PP Juliana Tokuzip for her tireless support through the years. IPP Jason also introduced all 9 members recruited during the past Rotary year, they are, Nicholas Lo, Adrina Chong, Joysy Hii, Dennis Kok, Raymond Chong, Yap Vun Fui, Gin Kwan, Mervyn Voo and Esther Chong. IPP Jason also took the opportunity to recognise his Board of Directors and presented a token of appreciation to the 2006/2007 President of RC Likas Bay, IPP David Kong and 2006/2007 President of RC Kota Kinabalu South, IPP Andy Wong for their support during his term. A special 'frame' was made with a compilation of activities photo for 2006/2007 NGD Aldrin Wong in recognition of his support and as a remembrance from the Club.

A job well done to OC Nicholas Lo and committee members for a very successful Installation Banquet. A big thank you to all Rotarians, advertisers, sponsors and friends for their kind support and generous contribution in making our Italian Nite an extra-ordinary one! Grazie...