Handover of Wheelchair
Rotaract Club of Likas Bay led by President Veronica and VP Mervyn, witnessed by RC Likas Bay President Peter Yapp, IPP David, SNG Rtn Woo, Rtn Aldrin, Secretary Rtn George and Rtn Francis, handed-over a wheelchair to the Pusat Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti Tamparuli recently, also present was the Centre Chairlady Puan Nancy and centre teacher. This Centre provide day care service for the disable and special children run by a group of volunteers. Currently, there are 46 children registered with the Centre, but only 15 children were being sent by their parents to the Centre. The other children are facing some transportation challenges to attend to the Centre, as most of them are from the rural part of the Tamparuli town. However, the teacher of the Centre has initiated a home visit on every Friday, visiting rural and weaker children.