New Members Induction

We wish to welcome our newly inducted member namely Suzanna, Diana and Norman to the fold of rotary family - Rotaract Club of Likas Bay. The induction ceremony was held after our 6th Regular Meeting on 23 September 2008, witnessed by our NSG Rtn. Wong.

Baking Class

The Rotaract Club of Likas Bay members had lots of fun learning how to bake cookies. It is definitely in the spirit of the Raya that everyone turned up at Pelangi Bakery owned by Ann Theresa (spouse of Rotarian Chang Er Ling) on 20th September 2008 afternoon with excitement.

We have learned how to make chocolate rice cookies and corn flakes cookies. We managed to bake approximately 90 containers of cookies and they have been distributed these cookies to the Interact Club of Maktab National, Kian Kok High School and Bandaraya Secondary School for sale. The proceeds of sale will be used for Interactors' community service projects. Rotaractors are not only baking the cookies for interactors, but also assisting them to sell some cookies for their fund raising projects.

To all our Muslims friends, wishing you a joyous Hari Raya!

Ranau Recce Trip - 31 August 2008

The members of Rotaract Club of Likas Bay spent their National Day holiday exploring few places in the area of Ranau for their up-coming project.

Participated by 8 Rotaractors:
President Esther, IPP Veronica, PP Jason, Rtr Michelle, Rtr Wesley, Rtr Nicholas, Rtr Yap Vun Fui & Rtr Lina Chin

With 7 Guests: President Chua Soon Lan, NGD Wong Chu Lai, PP Yvonne Tan, PP Yvonne’s Guest - Mr Liew, PP Julianna, Rtr Nicholas’s Guest - Abby & President Esther’s Guest - Norman.

Activity held:

8am : Meet up at Tamparuli to have breakfast.

9 – 11:30am : Head to Don Bosco Children Home at Bundu Tuhan and had a brief discussion with Brother Ben. We have also donated 20 packets of noodles, 10 packets of biscuits & 60 packets of individually packed cereals for the home.

12pm : Lunch at Ranau

1-2pm : Donated wheelchair to a 13 years old disability boy at Kampong Bongkud.

2:30-3:30pm : Visited Sabah Tea Plantation. Attended a brief presentation about Sabah Tea & visited long house to prepare ourselves during our Professional Development trip in December 2008.

3:30-5:30pm : Head back to KK.

GSE Presentation

Rtr. IPDRR Lina Chin shared her experience as the 2007/2008 GSE participant to Ohio, USA, at the RC Likas Bay Weekly Meeting on 27th August 2008.

Rotary Club of Likas Bay's Anniversary Dinner

The Rotaractors of Likas Bay attended their sponsoring club, Rotary Club of Likas Bay's 25th Anniversary Dinner which was held on 24th August 2008 at Pacific Sutera Hotel. The event was graced by the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, YB Datuk Masidi Manjun. Members have presented 2 songs namely, Sayang Kinabalu and We Are The World, and also performed a dance.

President Esther and PP Jason Ho with President Chua Soon Lan and spouse.

The 'Shanghai Shot' dance group.

Club members : Rtr Michelle Chong, Rtr Chelwin Soo, Hon. Member PP Yvonne Tan, and Rtr Veronica Chin