Mr & Mrs Teong (Michael is now our Honorary Member while Gin remain our best supporter, an ex-Rotaractor)

In the Pic: Standing - Shane, Mervyn, Delbert, Michael + Gin, Cath, Lina & Wesley. Sitting - Ken, Joan, Emerline & Rtn Juliana

In the Pic: Standing - Peter, Peggy & Daughter, Rtn Charlie, Gin + Michael, Jason, Esther, WahKon, Ching & Yvonne. Sitting - MunMun, Rtn Aldrin & Baby Boy & Veronica
A dwelling for love, a place of care... May your new 'nest' be filled with joy, for the lovely pair! Wishing you both a lifetime of togertherness! Congratulations from Rotaract Club of Likas Bay!